A CHARITY supporting vulnerable children and young people is urgently trying to recruit more volunteer mentors in the Minehead area to cope with increasing demand.

PROMISEworks wants to hear from people who can give two hours weekly or fortnightly to become a mentor for a disadvantaged young person.

The charity is holding an open evening in Channel Adventure, Minehead, on Wednesday, May 1, at 6.30pm, to allow residents to meet the team and have a chat over coffee and cake.

A spokesperson said: “We are looking to extend our volunteer mentoring in Minehead and the surrounding areas.

“Mentoring can improve self-esteem, widen horizons, and raise aspirations.

“It can help young people learn to control their anger, prevent them getting into dangerous situations, and stop them from causing harm or damage to themselves or people and things around them.

“If only for a short time each week, it can give them the opportunity just to be children - to enjoy a picnic, jump in the surf, or critique the current fashion trends without worrying about what else is going on in often chaotic young lives.”

The charity, which has helped more than 300 children and young people, has a West Somerset mentor training course starting on May 17.

PROMISEworks has also established a mental health fund which pays for additional therapeutic sessions when these are considered necessary to support a young person.

Anybody who is interested in attending the open evening in Minehead should email [email protected] or call 07707 586111.